Friday November 28th, Combination Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Holstein and New Crop Calf/ Yearling Sale Saturday November 28th..

Here this past Saturday we had a light run for the combination sale on Thanksgiving and Last Weekend of the Gun Deer Season..
Selling 821 total there wasn't a real good test on the market on all weights and classes but there were certainly plenty of nice cattle in the sale. 
Thanks again to all Buyers/ Sellers alike. 
Don't forget the Big Special Winter Roundup New Crop Beef Calf/ Yearling Sale this coming Friday December 4th starting time 9am sharp.. 
Hope to see you there!
Here's the report. 
Fancy Holstein Steers 
275-350# $120-$142
375-450# $110-$130
475-550# $100-$120
575-650# $100-$110
675-750# $95-$105
775-990# $90-$100
Improperly Handled/Excessively Thin/Lower Quality Holsteins Less
Fancy New Crop Steer Calves
375-450# $160-$180
475-550# $140-$160
575-650# $140-$155
700-800# $130-138 (Yearlings Light Test)
900-975# $120-$130
(Yearlings Light Test)
Improperly Handled/Lower Quality Steers Less
Fancy New Crop Heifer Calves 
375-450# $140-$155
475-550# $135-$150
575-650# $125-$140
Improperly Handled/Lower Quality Heifers Less