Friday April 23RD Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Back to Grass Roundup Holstein/ Angus Cross Feeder Cattle Sale Friday April 23rd. 908 head sold

Here this past Friday we had a really nice run of high quality cattle on a market that was pretty much steady to somewhat lower in some spots due the corn taking another shot north and the cattle futures taking a shot south this week. 
Buyer demand remains good just as was the quality throughout. 
Don't forget with 5 Fridays in April there will be a  Special Back to Grass  Combination Beef and Holstein Feeder Cattle Sale this coming Friday April 30th starting time 9am sharp with Holstein Steers to be followed by the beef cattle. 
Thanks to all Buyers/ Sellers alike who came together for another nice sale..
Here's the report..
Fancy Holstein Steers
275-350# $120-$135
375-450# $115-$135
475-550# $105-$125
575-650# $100-$115
675-750# $95-$110
775-850# $90-$100
875-950# $85-$95
Improperly Handled/ Excessively Thin/ Lower Quality Holsteins Less 
Fancy Angus Cross Steers
400-750# $100-$140
Fancy Angus Cross Heifers
400-700# $100-$120 
Lower Quality Angus Cross Less